L’uno mangia incorpora assume l’altro in sè, l’altro mangia incorpora assume l’altro in sè, Communio, Comunione in Latino, è diventare l’altro, essere l’altro, amarsi, confondersi, vivere reciprocamente dell’altro, cibarsi reciprocamente e sopravviversi. Dove è il confine fra amore e perdita di sè, Amore come Vita e come Morte ?
One eats, incorporate the other one in him/herself, the other one eats and incorporates the one in her/him-him/herself, Communio, Latin for Communion, means to get into the other of himself, to be the other, love each other, eat each other, mix one with each other, live one from each other, eat each other, survive each other. Is there a boundary among love and lost of him/herself, Love as Life and as Death?