Opere ispirate al mondo Leather Gay – Gay Leather lifestyle Artworks

After the decision to hold Mr Leather Europe 2013 Context in Padua November 9th 2013, Fabrizio Paoletti challenged himself to realize in his conceptual abstract painting some  works dedited to gay Leather suggestions. Three Artworks then come alive which will be won as prize for Mr Leather Europe 2013  winners.

Dopo la decisione di tenere l’elezione di Mr Leather Europe 2013 a Padova il 9 novembre 2013, Fabrizio Paoletti si è posto la sfida di realizzare nella sua pittura astratta concettuale alcune opere dedited ai suggerimenti nello stile leather gay. Prendono vita tre opere, che sarà date in premio ai primi tre classificati del Mr Leather Europe 2013.



Electro ( Offend ) – canvas, acrylycs, 50×50


CumShot (There it was )- canvas, acrylycs, spikes, 50×50 


Bound to Cum ( Was I tied ?)  – canvas, acrylycs, rope, 50×50

Mr Leather Europe 2013,

hosted by Leather Friends Italia Association


the Prize page


and the winners are


1st Prize Mr Leather Italy Francesco

2nd Prize Mr Leather Oyst Francisco Villatoro

3rd Prize Mr Fetish Biker Matthias Ganik

photo courtesy of Danilo Mario Primo Pacifici
